He wanted to get the Pirates Of The Caribbean boxset and watch all three back-to-back.
Luckily for me there were no copies of any of the three films in our nearest Blockbuster, let alone the bumper boxset.
What are the chances of that?! Result.
Smirking, on the sly, I suggested we get Due Date.
He begrudgedly agreed, only if he could get a 'boy' film as well.
He got Winters Bone, which suited me anyway as I've wanted to see it for ages (obviously didn't tell him that).
Despite being a real slow starter Due Date was pretty good, Jimmy was laughing out loud more than me.
I think he could seriously relate to curly haired, free spirited, walking disaster zone Ethan (American comedy actor Zach Galifianakis)
However, the masturbating car scene is still freaking me out.
Why? Why do men think it's OK to jack off in front of each other?
I know it's just a film. But it does reflect some aspects of true life.
Like this particular conversation.
I was having dinner with a group of girl friends a few weeks ago.
One said her boyfriend used to watch porn with his lad mates and masturbate. OK, they were about 18 but still.
He said it wasn't a big deal as the lights were off and everyone was doing it.
Firstly, I'm not prude.
Not in any shape of the imagination, but at what point does getting our shlong out, in front of your mates and bashing one out become light evening entertainment?
What about the noises? The face finale? What if everyone else had finished but you were still going strong?
It's all a bit too weird for me to get my head around.
And this spunk on a biscuit game, does it exist or is that an urban myth?
I know people...lad, girls, whoever, have sex while other people are in the same room.
We've all been there, young on holiday, sharing a room with your mate etc...
No drama.
But the whole wanking around a TV in the dark scenario baffles me.
How does it start? Is it borderline gay?
I know some people are reading this thinking 'big deal'. They've probably been to sex dungeons, gimp parties, orgies, swinging weekends, spankathons dressed as giant babies etc.
But my friend's boyfriend is just a normal guy. Works in IT, isn't a sexual deviant, just your average everyday guy, who likes to hangout with his mates.
I'm just intrigued to know if this behaviour is normal? Not for any newspaper related reason, just because I'm nosey and overly fascinated with life.
Especially with randy teenagers who enjoy mutual masturbation, it seems.
Answers on a postcard please.
(Or more conveniently email jessica.brown@dailystar.co.uk)

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