Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Winter Wonderland

It is officially acceptable to be excited about Christmas when Winter Wonderland opens in Hyde Park. Yeah, it's not even December yet, but those are the rules.
Bavarian beers houses, bratwurst sausages, mulled wine and ice skating.
I always revert back to being a kid.
Remember those times when your only purpose in life was to have fun. And your only aim was to play outside with your friends. The ultimate days.

So me and my good pals Sam, Nikki and Ellie met up with Sonja and her friend Steph and had a right good pre- Christmas ding dong. Happy days. Mulled wine and hot cider galore.
We were all actually quite good at ice skating, despite not doing it for about 10 years and the DJ pumping out The Wombles new song.
Is that really going to be Christmas No 1? What a two finger salute to the X Factor.

You can't beat a big sausage from the German market stalls. Yeah man.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Twilight fever hits London... and me.

Ooh hello hangover.
It's been a while since I've had one as miserable as you.
You know you're in trouble when an Alka Seltza does jack all. Literally nothing.
Anyway, I couldn't think of anything more perfect than going to see a film at the cinema on a horrific hangover.
Not just any film, I may add.
The new Twilight film Breaking Dawn Part 1 at the huge London premiere.

Twilight premiere ticket
Despite not being a teenager, and not having a delusional fantasy that there are perfect men on planet earth, I still absolutely love Twilight.
I love every god damn minute, of every film.
I've read all the books, seen all the previous films a few times over and I am 100% Team Edward.
I know, I know. I'm even slightly embarrassed as I write this.
But for some reason, unbeknown to me, I buy into the Twilight obsession wholeheartedly and with passion.
I am completely absorbed with Robert Pattinson's character Edward Cullen.
I love what he stands for, his out-of-control gentlemanly ways and deep-routed belief in soul mates.
I am not fickle like my mates who flick between Team Edward and Team Jacob (his werewolf love rival) depending on how long Jacob keeps his top off and flexes his outrageously, impressive pecks.
Anyway, all that side, the premiere was amazing. A perfect snowy, winter wonderland.
The red carpet was changed to white carpet, covered with snow and mistletoe.
It was freezing.
Robert, Kristen and Taylor
The main stars Robert Patttinson, Kirsten Stewart and Taylor Lautner were all there.
Kristen looked amazing in a gothic long, black dress.
And R Patz really does look like Edward in the flesh. Brooding and moody. With his poignant stare and strong, angular face.
I'm not going to give too much away for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet, but the birth scenes are incredible.
The CGI during the pregnancy is disturbing and the wedding\ honeymoon scenes are enough to make any girl want to get married. Immediately, if not sooner.
Already, I can't wait for the final film.
It will be the end of my love affair with Edward Cullen, who unfairly gives women false hopes that one day they'll find their very own Edward.
Ladies, a man this sensitive, chivalrous and full of emotion does not exist.
I feel sorry for the young teenager girls watching who honestly think men like this are available. They're not.
And I feel sorry for men who get a bad rap now because they're emotional void and a million miles away from Edward's perfectness. Sigh.
Anyway, here's some pics from the premiere. One of my favourite nights in 2011.

Sonja and me getting excited before the show
Here's the story we wrote in the Daily Star the following day about R Patz.
He says he has to live like James Bond in true 007 spy style.

The white carpet and Christmas lights at Westfield in Stratford

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Three parties, one night, one city.

Getting my nails done in the pop up salon
So last night was a bit of a crazy one work wise.
I had to squeeze in three parties, that were in opposite parts of town, all before 8pm.
First up Myleene Klass's pop up nail bar in Soho, straight from work at 6pm.
Myleene's the latest celeb to turn her name and hand to beauty.
Everyone does it these days, if you haven't launched a makeup range, a nail varnish or clothing line it seems you're no one in 2011.
First it was just models and fashion celebs now it's every Tom, Dick and Harry. From Fearne Cotton to some random TOWIE bird.
Anyway Myleene has launched a collection of wrap on nails. Basically patterned stickers that wrap around your nail and file off.
They're good fun, although possibly a little bit tacky. Sorry.
Anyway fair play to Myleene she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty and got to work sticking them on everyone.
And she had a sexy looking array of champagne and cupcakes.

One of the many handsome looking cake stands

Myleene getting busy with our manicures.

I then jumped into a cab and headed over to Altitude 360 at the top of the Millbank Tower ( floor level 28) for a Marilyn Monroe book exhibition.
The views across London and down The Thames were amazing. Especially all lit up under the stairs and in the moonlight.
London really is a beautiful city.
With a glass of wine in hand, I took a moment to stare out across the landscape and think about how lucky I felt to live in London and do a job I really enjoy.

I finished the night at The Spectacle Wearer Of The Year awards at Battersea Power Station.
After a few interviews on the red carpet (or in this case the green carpet) with Max from The Wanted (who won Spectacle Wearer Of The Year, yep, I never knew he wore glasses either) and The Only Way Is Essex girls Lauren Pope and Lauren Goodger, we sat down to have dinner and enjoy ourselves

Me, Max and Sonja
Gok Wan and Kara Tointon were hosting the awards.
The whole night got a bit messy. This happens every now and then at events when all our showbiz journo buddies are out.
Anyway to cut a long, and potentially career damaging, story short we got seriously re-hydrated on free wine.
There are rumours we may have commandeered the catwalk at one point, downed wine straight from the bottle, start a flower fight with the floral centre pieces and thrown some sexually inappropriate moves, not just on the dance floor.
However, rumours are over rated so lets just leave it there.

Sam, George, Sonja, Me and James

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Russell Brand's dad thinks he's the new Jesus, no joke.

I've heard it all now.
I know most parents like to talk up their kids, each thinking their son or daughter is extra special.
Everyone has a busy-body, Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) type, who lives down the road.
You know, the type who blabs on: "My son's a doctor, don't you know. He got a 1st in his Masters and now saves the world, single handedly. I'm so proud, I could cry."
However Russell Brand's dad could win an award for child trumpet-blowing.

Russell's dad Ron Brand thinks his superstar son is the new Jesus. I kid you not.
He reckons his son and Jesus are “both true individuals, misunderstood by the world”.

how Ron sees his son Russell
Talking about his epiphany Ron said: “Russell is truly individual. He does not comply to rules of society. I am proud of him.
“Kids have always had to comply. There are few that can sustain it and say: ‘No. I am going to be who I am.’
“It’s difficult to be different and it goes back 2,000 years. It goes back to the times of Jesus, he was an individual. It takes immense strength to be able to sustain your belief.  I never ask Russell to build a safety net. You have one life. I always tell him to go for it. I tell him: ‘You either go to the top of the mountain or you die at the side.’"
Good point Ron.

Anyway, must pop off I'm having dinner with my parents, Mother Teresa and Gandhi.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Alan Carr loves bird watching....the geeky binocular kind

Every now and then we ask a celebrity to come into the Daily Star office to guest edit the GOSS column.
We sit back, hand the column over to them and let them chat about their lives and other celebrity stories of the day.
We did exactly this with Alan Carr. Who is one of the naturally funniest people I have ever met.
He had me and my Goss sidekick Sonja crying with laughter.
The hour we spent with him was an endless stream of banter, sarcastic remarks and filthy/ comedy stories. This man really has no boundaries.
And though he was slagging off other celebrities all over the shop, he really doesn't have a nasty bone in his body. It's all just part of the act.

me, Alan and Sonja writing the column
The last time I came away from an interview in pain, because I'd laughed so much my cheeks/ stomach muscles were sore, was about five years ago when I interviewed The Bear from Bo Selecta.
Still makes me laugh thinking about how ridiculous that moment of my career was.

Anyway, during our Goss edit we found out Alan Carr loves bird watching.
He explained: “I really like bird watching. I haven’t done it for ages, but I love it. I love the quietness of it.
"For my 16th birthday I got a pair of binoculars. It’s a bit creepy but I loved them.
“The thing is though – all the nature reserves in Northampton where I’m from, they’re all dogging sites so I can’t go down there with my binoculars any more. "

Alan also told us he'd love to star on Celebrity Come Dine With Me but thinks the guests are naff.
He said they'd have to up the ante and get some A listers on before he'd even consider it.
He revealed: “I would love to do Celebrity Come Dine With me, but the celebs would seriously have to go up a notch.
“I love the idea but I’m not being funny, I don’t want to do it with Howard from the Halifax and Fatima Whitbread.
“If it was Mariah Carey and Lady GaGa and we were all going round each other’s houses I would be in. But I’m not doing it with MC Hammer and Alison Hammond.
I can’t cook. But you don’t go for the cooking, you go to snoop around the house don’t you and get really drunk?”

Ahh poor old MC H and Alison.

Alan puts his feet up after all his hard work

Sunday, 13 November 2011

An' all that jazz

I finally got around to seeing Chicago The Musical.
I've wanted to go and check it out for ages, but my fella wouldn't come with me and most of my girl mates have seen it at least twice.
However, my friend Sam hadn't, so we had a girlie night out at the theatre. We got really drunk until the wee hours at the after party.
It would've been rude not too, I had the next day off work. Result.

The lead Roxy Hart was played by Ugly Betty. I didn't know this until I arrived, probably should've done my research first. So yeah, America Ferrera, which was a surprise.
She definitely brought a comedy touch to the show, she's a great actress.
And although she's not as sleek and skinny as all her fish-net clad, naked co-stars she still looked glam and striking in her skimpy, lace outfits and killer red lipstick.
Go Ugly Betty!!
America starred opposite Darius Danesh. I really couldn't get my head around that. Darius. Darius Danesh.
You know, that slimy mug from Pop Idol. The one who did the unforgettable, hideous audition singing Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time". Ugggh, it makes me cringe just thinking about it.

To remember the horror check this out....
Darius being a Britney Spears shaped cheese ball

So yeah, that's all I'm going to say about Darius. I really couldn't take him seriously.

I loved the show and have been singing all the songs, sporadically, ever since. "And all that jazz..."

America and moi
After the show we  headed off to the after party, I had a quick chat with America.
She said she loves living in London but is finding Chicago tough. She told me: "It's a hard slog, but really good fun. I wanted to bring some comedy elements into the show. It's so sexy, all the girls are gorgeous. Everyone still thinks of me as Ugly Betty, but that's OK. I have a huge place in my heart for Betty, she's one of a kind."
Her clothes definitely were.

The highlight of the after party was Dorian from Birds Of A Feather (Lesley Joseph) making an almighty tit of herself.
She walked straight into a huge, fancy silver tray of wine glasses and smashed the entire thing on the floor. There was glass and red wine everywhere. People were trying desperately to not laugh as Dorian almost fell ass over tit with it.
Sorry, that's probably not very nice, but it was a hilarious sight to behold.

Dorian obviously found it quite funny as well.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Royally sucked in by Ashley Cole

I can't believe it.
I feel disappointment with myself for even admitting this... but... Ashley Cole isn't as much of a nob as every girl thinks.
I know, I can't believe I've said it either. And yep, I do feel slack on poor, old Chezza. Sisterhood and all that jazz.
I've always waved the 'Cheryl Cole is amazing' flag and I do think Ashley is a twat for cheating on her, repetitively.
However, after meeting him for the first time. I feel a bit different. I can't lie.
My affections for him are wavering from hatred to, dare I say it, sympathy.
When I bumped into him at a London party he was really sweet, genuinely quite funny and very polite.
I asked for a photo, he knew I was a journalist, but happily obliged.
And when his dumb ass PA cut both of our heads off he happily posed for another. And laughed at her incompetence.
He was also a lot, I mean dramatically, smaller than I imagined. So skinny and frail.
And this alone made me feel a bit sorry for him.
After all, who wants to be the nation's most hated person.
Especially when your ex wife is hailed 'the nation's sweetheart'.

So there, I've admitted it.... I feel sorry for Ashley 'I can't keep it in my pants' Cole.

The incriminating picture of moi and Mr C

He's always made out to be this killer love-rat. 
But in reality he's just a skinny runt who likes football and doesn't have a nice girl at home as he stupidly screwed it up. 
Time and time again.
He didn't look like a big time player.
I can't imagine him man-handling women, knocking their back doors in etc etc.
He looked like a bit of a wuzz.
The type of guy who embarrassingly covers himself up as he shuffles to the toilet after sex, or drops the dreaded question "How was that for you?" Urgh.
He was no bruiser like Rooney, smooth talker like Giggs or horny stallion like Crouch.
If anything he looked like their skinny, placid, camp brother.

So, if Ashley Cole is a devious, self-obsessed ladies man, then I am totally sucked in.
And therefore nearly as bad as those tarts who are infatuated with doing kiss and tells on him.

Amen sister.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Cosmopolitan Ultimate Woman Of The Year Awards

Firstly, I really, really, really should've had a word with myself when I thought, "I love the English rose look, tonight I'm going to sack off getting a spray tan."
I am actually as white, if not whiter than Irish lovely and X Factor ghost Janet Devlin. Yep, there's photo evidence to prove it.
I'm blaming The Only Way Is Essex.
The first series wasn't so offensive but this series the girls are wearing far too much slap/ fake tan/ false eyelashes.... they actually look like a bunch of trannies on their way to a holiday camp.
My boyfriend commented: "Girls who wear that much make-up definitely have something to hide."
So, with that in statement in mind, I went aux natural to the Cosmo awards and scared most of the guests with my ghost-like legs. I apologise in advance.

X Factor girls Janet Devlin, a very white me
and Misha B

Right first things first....
Kelly Rowland and Tulisa completely ignored each other at the awards bash.
I arrived late, very late, as did both Kelly and Tulisa..
I had to get a tube, not sure what their excuses were.
Anyway, as we all rushed in rudely late together I witnessed, with my very own eyes, their cut-the-atmosphere-with-a-knife awkward “hello” moment.
They refused to have photos together, despite standing 1/2 a foot apart.
Which was really uncomfortable, seeing as they both happily posed for individual photos with me.
We quickly all got rushed into the dinning room, late, where they both went out of their way to ignore each other all night.

What would S-Cowell say?

Tulisa and me

Meanwhile on the subject of X Factor silliness last week's stand in judge Alexandra Burke.com told me she wasn’t given the choice.com about standing in as a judge.com. Her management made her.com.
She revealed: “They called me two hours before rehearsals and I was on the way to the dentist. I didn’t have much choice. My management didn’t ask, but told me. I’d do it again and join full-time if asked. Simon picked me."

The awards bash was a right laugh. Kylie Minogue turned up, with an awesome new brunette barnet, and handed out an award to Debbie Harry. That was a definite high-light.
As was the infamous goodie bag. Best one I've had all year.
It was so heavy, I could barely carry it up the hill home.
No, that's not an exageration. Seriously, I had marks on my arm from the bag's rope handles.
Stuffed with all my favourite beauty products from Elemis, Benefit, Guinot and perfume, books, makeup etc...
Well chuffed.

Kelly Rowland interview

me and Kelly Rowland
KELLY Rowland might not like all of us British girls. Yep, Tulisa, I'm talking about you.
But she can’t get enough of our men.
Her hit list of wannabe shags is more impressive than the gravity surrounding Jordan's tits.
Kelly, who won Ultimate TV Personality at the Cosmo's bash, would love to rip the pants off co-judge Gary Barlow.
She told me: “I fancy Gary. If he wasn’t married I’d be in there abso-frickin-lutely.
“You fall in love with him as a human being. He has so much to give to the world in music and love.
“It’s hard to pick one British guy, I’m loving them all. Olly Murs has cutest butt I’ve ever seen.
"It distracts me so much. But he needs to loosen up his trousers and let his boys breathe!
"Me and Dermot go clubbing. We got back in the wee hours of the morning last time. I won’t tell you what dance we were ­doing.
“I also fancy Marcus Collins, and ­Simon Cowell is obviously very handsome – but we’d bicker if we were on the same panel though.”

So Gary Barlow, Olly Murs, Dermot O'Leary, Marcus Collins, Simon Cowell.
That's a sturdy gang bang right there. Go randy Rowland.

Aside from the men she wants to do the horizontal tango with Kelly also revealed Beyonce would love to reform Destiny's Child so they could sing on this year’s X Factor final.
Kelly said: “My sister Beyoncé would love to, but she’s pregnant so I wouldn’t let her.
“I’m in no way broody.
“Five of my friends are pregnant, so I’m going to just be happy taking their babies and giving them back."

Amanda Holden - the nicest woman in showbiz

Me and a very pregnant and gorgeous Amanda
clutching her award for Ultimate Theatre star
Amanda Holden really is one of the nicest people in showbiz.
I have no idea how this is possible seeing as she's spent the last two years having to work with the likes Piers Morgan (he makes my skin crawl), David Hasslehoff (crazier than a box of frogs on glue) and Simon Cowell (the man who must've trained Mark Wright in the art of being an arrogant cock).

However, our Mandy, sorry I have never called her that, is genuinely lovely. She spent over an hour chatting to all us press vultures... and surprisingly, she seemed to really enjoying having a good old chin wag.

Amanda revealed she wants Cheryl Cole to join her on the Britain’s Got Talent judging panel next year.
Oooh, we'd all love that.

She said: “I’d definitely like Cheryl on, I’ve always been a fan of hers. But I admit I like being the only girl, so I can always win the style wars!”

Since Michael McIntyre quit and David Hasselhoff got booted off for being mental, Amanda reckons Jonathan Ross could also join her – even though they publicly fell out a few years ago.
She said: “Simon Cowell likes it when judges don’t get on, so we should have Jonathan Ross, as I’d row with him loads. If I told Simon I hated someone and couldn’t work with them he’d say: ‘Fab, we’ll keep them then’.”

She might not of won award on the night but best dress has to go to Amelle from The Sugababes.
Truly amazing, she couldn't sit down in it because of all the netting.
She also told me never, ever, will anyone catch her on a reality TV show like BB, Strictly or I'm A Celeb.
Hmmm... if I was a betting woman.

Amelle in her amazing Black Swan style dress

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Cheryl really is a good'un, isn't she?

Cheryl Cole has been to visit her troubled Girls Aloud bandmate Sarah Harding in rehab.
Sadly Sarah checked into a treatment centre three weeks ago for depression and alcohol addiction after her split from fiance Tom Crane.
She's now holed up in a rehab clinic in Arizona, 500 miles from Cheryl’s Los Angeles base.
To prove how serious she is to help her, our Chezza has offered to lend Sarah her swanky LA pad as a retreat.
A Hollywood source told me: “Cheryl is really concerned for Sarah. She made time in her busy schedule to travel over to Arizona and visit her in the rehab centre.
"Cheryl feels really passionate about alcohol and drug abuse after all she's spent years of worrying about her drug addict brother Andrew.
“Cheryl is now pulling out all the stops to help Sarah.
“She has told Sarah that she is more than welcome to use her LA home as an escape pad when she finally comes out of rehab.
“A bolt-hole where Sarah can chill out and escape the London limelight and maybe try to save her relationship with Tom.”
Unfortunately today it's been reported that Sarah has to extend her stay in rehab and will probably not be out before Christmas.