Tuesday 10 May 2011

I'm an moron

I had to have a serious word with myself on the tube home last night.
A lot of people in the media industry are self obsessed, greedy, demanding, un-appreciative idiots.
Unfortunately this is a fact. It really winds me up.
Last night I went to a New Look party to celebrate the brand's new T4 TV show.
Champagne was flowing and there were trays of gin cocktails as far as the eye could see.
However, I started moaning to the girls in my office, who were all out with me, about how "crap" the canapes were.
I actually said "I can't believe there's only four different types of canapes. This has to be the worst food ever at a showbiz bash."
Despite being really hungry, I had one of each type (as I've pointed out there were only four, so it didn't take long) and decided they were all minging.
I was so bored with the lack of exiting nibbles (there are usually loads and mountains of variety) I actually got my coat and went home.
Yep, you heard me right.
I actually went home. From a party. Because there wasn't enough decent food. Free food, I should point out.
Can you believe that? Not because I was tired, or had an early start\ busy day tomorrow. But because the canapes were crap.
God, I was a twat. Of mega proportions.
I sat on the tube and had a realisation that I needed to have a serious word with myself. Instantly.
Don't be an ungrateful brat. I apologise to myself for being a media wanker and commit, wholeheartedly, to never doing it again.

In other possibly (definitely), more interesting news Jamie Winstone is my new girl crush.
She's cool and stylish and has a certain enigma about her which I find fascinating.
We had a quick chat and she told me she'd just come back from a wild adventure in Madagascar and it had inspired her to dye her hair pink.
She reckons it's "the best place in the world" she's ever visited.

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