Wednesday 30 March 2011

Do go chasing waterfalls

We hired a car and drove from Montego Bay to Ocho Rios today to go and climb Dunns River waterfalls.
It took about 1hour 45mins to get there and was a hilarious journey of non-stop horns, cars swerving all over the road, undertaking, overtaking and locals trying to sell us stuff.
Within minutes of arriving at Dunns River one of the locals jumped on us trying to persuaded us to buy two small, hand-carved, wooden people.
Before we could say 'no thanks' he (Anthony) had carved Jessika "be happy, don't worry" on one. And Jimmy "No problem mon" on the other.
He told us to "love each other, stand by each other but more importantly don't forget the jiggy jiggy." Before carving four lines on each for love, peace, respect and prosperity.
We handed over 3000 Jamaican dollars (£24) and went on our merry way with a wooden man and woman, and a traditional Jamaican necklace.
The two hand-carved figures, now engraved with our names
The waterfalls were amazing. Spectacular and scary. The water was flowing rapidly and the rocks were really slippy. We climbed to the top, swam in the whirl pools and went back to the bottom to do it all over again.

Jimmy getting excited half way up the water fall

We drove through the town of Ocho Rios on the way home, past all the small, shack-like bars\ restaurants, roadside sellers selling coconuts, bananas, other local fruit and huge stems of aloe vera.

A beauty salon we past driving on the way back to the hotel
Our butler, H-bomb, organised a romantic picnic for us which he'd packed into the boot of the car - salmon and tuna sandwiches, cakes and champagne. It was a great end to the day. The evening ended on a slushy note. We arrived back to our room after dinner, a bit drunk on rum 'n coke and Dirty Banana cocktails, to find the bed covered in petals and orchids placed in a heart shape.
The butlers were definitely giving my boyfriend a run for his money.

I'd love to come home to this every day :-)

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