Saturday 28 September 2013

The perfect hangover cure

If like me you've woken up this morning feeling a bit groggy (two bottles of prosecco, finished with a bottle of red, whooops) I have the perfect hangover remedy.

Forget Mc Donalds, or the obligatory hangover bacon sandwich, this will sort you right out.

Instead of a normal caffeine hit, espresso, cuppa tea, whatever, start with a simple but very effective 
spicy juice shot.
All you need is an apple and some ginger

 1 apple
3 cm ginger root

Cut the apple in half, cut a slice of ginger and add both to your juicer.
Pour into a shot glass and down in one. 
Basic but with a bite. 
The ginger gives a sharp snap to the juice.

Apple and ginger shot

Next is the Booze Buster juice. 
This juice has all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals to stamp all 
over any hangover and give you an energy boost.
OK, it's not a Sausage & Egg McMuffin but believe me, it's the perfect hangover cure.

1/4 pineapple (cut off all the rough skin)
15 sugar snap peas
1/2 lime (not peeled)
1/4 cucumber
1/2 courgette
1cm fennel

Simply add all the ingredients, one-by-one into your juicer. 
No need to mess around taking the skin off, apart from the pineapple.
Add ice for an extra crisp boost.

Booze Buster juice

The perfect start to the day
A cracking way to beat the hangover blues. Try it, you won't be disappointed.
 Trust me.

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  1. Wow, that juice look amazing!

    1. Give them a try, you'll be impressed, taste lovely x

  2. Looks great, what juicer do you use? Can you blend them?
    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane,
      Thanks for your message, I use a Philips QuickClean Juicer - shop around as you can get some good deals!
      A blender won't work, unfortunately.
      Jess x
